Friday, March 26, 2010

Networking by any other name ...

What's the secret to productive social networking? I've been thinking alot about this lately. Since I started experimenting with all these new methods of marketing my business online, on several occasions I've had to try to explain to the lay people among my family and friends just what it is I'm doing or trying to accomplish.

So after some serious thought on the subject, the best analogy I can come up with for myself is that my Website is like an ad I'd place in the local newspaper. My business Blog should be like a press release or a story the local paper runs on a new business and what it's all about. Facebook and LinkedIn are like belonging to the local Chamber of Commerce or a professional organization. And, last but not least, Twitter is like networking. Easy peasy!

At least when I look at it this way, it all makes a certain amount of sense to me. So in keeping with this logic, my next step should be to come up with an online marketing strategy just as I would have a traditional marketing strategy. In the above analogy, neither component works well without the others. Now the trick is to get them working all together like a well oiled machine. Easy peasy? Hmmm ... We'll see!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Social Networking - What???

Blogging, Twittering (or is it Tweeting?), Facebook, LinkedIn ... and on and on! Only weeks ago these were only vague impressions of phenomena that other people were talking about. Before I knew it, I'd been thrown into a whole new world.

I've started two new businesses in the last year and I have been doing the conventional advertising and networking to get them off the ground. Networking is fun, it's social and it's something I actually enjoy. Not everyone can say that. Business people around town, and into the neighbouring towns, are getting to recognize me. That's the point, isn't it? I figured that was a good thing and that all was going as it should. Or so I thought!

All of a sudden, I started being told by all and sundry that I simply must have a blog, and I must Twitter, and I must have a Facebook page for my business. "You have to try Social Networking." As if I don't have enough to do in a day. Not willing to risk being left behind in this new digital world of business, for better or worse, I proceeded to wade bravely into each of these new forums.

I already had some experience in Facebook. I'm on there like most of my friends and relatives. I started off slowly and cautiously, only letting a selected few onto my carefully monitored list of friends. But as more people "found" me, so the list grew to include most people who know me, who care to be my friend. But I still wasn't sure how I was going to fit this motley crew into my business agenda. So Facebook was put on the back burner for now.

Next, a couple of people I'd met networking around town asked me to add them on LinkedIn. Okay, time to dip my toe into new digital waters again. I signed up, picked a password and Linked up with my fellow business Networkers about town. Ah ha! This one lets me recommend their services or give testimonials. What a great idea! I'll keep that in mind.

As if on cue, the representative from the Canpages Directory came by to solicit my listing. A printed directory ... this was something I could relate to. "Where do I sign? Oh, that's not all? You have a whole array of online forums too, you say?" All of a sudden I'm registering for GigPark, list my business and start recommending every business I like around town. That was fun. This was followed by signing up for a whole bunch of online directories.

Next on my digital bucket list was Twitter. I have to admit, I had to take a couple of stabs at that one. It made no more sense than the steady stream of chatter the first few times I entered a chat room back in the day. I figured out pretty quickly that I should follow people, clicked on a few celebs that I thought might have something interesting to say. #Well @bleepingbleep #Omg RT! What on earth is this all about?

Several hours and a few tweets later, I gave up. I figured I was in way over my head this time. Thankfully, I met an experienced tweeter who gave me a ten minute crash course in the whole social networking scene. Determined to sink or swim, I jumped in again with both feet. I started from scratch, and worked on following a list people and organizations of interest to my business.

I seem to be making progress. After less than two weeks, I now have over 250 followers and tweet a few times a day. It's been kind of fun and interesting too. I also like retweeting things that I find of interest from the over 600 people that I follow. As with traditional networking, time will tell if all this will increase my business. It can't hurt though. I hope I have time to actually do some work!

Well, I'm out there now! Directories, online networking, website (of course), Facebook, Twitter and so on! The last leap is into the world of Blogging. So here we go again! Wish me luck.